Package io.patriot_framework.junit.extensions
Class Summary Class Description ConditionalDisableExtension Extension implements the ExecutionCondition base class and enables test skip on failure of any dependent tests (by annotation)PatriotSetupExtension Extended setup Extension with support of PatriotHub, which is injected by defaultRegistryResultListener Class is used to monitor test results in order to provide ConditionalDisableExtensionSetupExtension Abstract class represents base for extension to JUnit which allows configuration and Test environment setup before the Test Run is started.TestBreakExtension Extension to allow break of testing whenever class -
Enum Summary Enum Description TestResultState Enum represents possible states of Test Class -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description DisableByState Annotation represents test class that should be not started, when given test did fail.StopTestExecution Annotation represents test class, that ultimately stops test execution on any failure in its testing methods.