Network simulator component contains support for creating networks spanning across many physical hosts without losing the ability to differentiate between the multi-host network and the individual host networks.


  • Physical hosts that are connected using Layer 3 of ISO/OSI

  • Exposed Docker API on each host


Network simulator uses Flannel, which creates the virtual overlay network, and etcd, which is required by Flannel. We deploy both of them directly into the Docker network to minimalize required prerequisites for the hosts itself. We use VXLAN to communicate between the hosts.

implementation deployment diagram
Figure 1. Deployment diagram


Hosts are represented by DockerManager, all components will require hosts as a Collection<DockerManager>. For easier creation of DockerManagers you can use helper method getHost defined below.

Helper method - getHost
private static DockerManager getHost(String url) {
    return new DockerManager(DefaultDockerClientConfig
Hosts creation
DockerManager[] managers = {

Collection<DockerManager> hosts = Arrays.asList(managers)


This component represents the etcd cluster that is deployed across our hosts. To use it, we need to specify hosts that will form the cluster. It deploys etcd containers into Docker on each node and uses host network adapter to expose. It also configures each container so they form one uniform cluster. EtcdCluster implements Closable, so you can also use it in try-with-resources block.

It is not initialized after the constructor and the deploy() method needs to be called to initialize the cluster.

We are deploying etcd v2 even though it is outdated, due to Flannel not supporting v3 API.

EtcdCluster creation
import io.patriot_framework.network_simulator.docker.multihost.cluster.EtcdCluster;

EtcdCluster cluster = new EtcdCluster(hosts);
// Do your stuff
EtcdCluster try-with-resources
import io.patriot_framework.network_simulator.docker.multihost.cluster.EtcdCluster;

try(EtcdCluster cluster = new EtcdCluster(hosts)) {
    // Do your stuff


This component represents Flannel cluster, which will set up the connection between hosts. This class requires already deployed EtcdCluster on the same hosts. FlannelCluster implements Closable, so you can also use try-with-resources block. Flannel containers are deployed directly into Docker on each of the hosts, are privileged and use host network adapter. FlannelCluster can only work with IPv4 subnet because Flannel does not support IPv6 or dual stack yet. We use VXLAN as our backend for flannel due to it being the msot developed one.

It is not initialized after the constructor and the deploy() method needs to be called to initialize the cluster.

FlannelCluster creation
try(FlannelCluster cluster = new FlannelCluster(
        hosts,                       // Collection of hosts
        "flannel-cluster",           // Name of the cluster
        etcdCluster,                 // etcd cluster to be used
        new Subnet("", 16), // IPv4 Subnet which will be used for IP allocation
        "flannel-prefix",            // Prefix for etcd configuration
        8472)) {                     // Port for Flannel cluster communication
    // Do your stuff


This component sets up the network using both FlannelCluster and EtcdCluster and will create a multi-host docker network on each of the hosts. It can be created either with separate EtcdCluster instance or create its instance; in that case, the cluster will be created on all hosts.

It is not initialized after the constructor and the deploy() method needs to be called to initialize and set up the network. This method will first set-up etcd if it is not a separate instance, and then it will deploy Flannel. After setting up Flannel, it will get the network configuration for each host by reading Flannel configuration file (/run/flannel/subnet.env) present on each host and then sets up the individual Docker networks. Since we use VXLAN as our tunnelling protocol, our Docker networks will have lower MTU than usual, around 1450 from usual 1500, to accommodate the VXLANs headers.

MultiHostNetworkProvider without separate EtcdCluster
try(MultiHostNetworkProvider provider = new MultiHostNetworkProvider(
        hosts,                       // Collection of hosts
        "multihost",                 // Name of the cluster
        new Subnet("", 16), // Subnet which will be used for IP allocation
        8472)) {                     // Port for Flannel cluster communication

    DockerNetwork network = provider.getNetwork(host1) // Return multihost Docker network created on the specific host
    // Do your stuff
MultiHostNetworkProvider with separate EtcdCluster
try (EtcdCluster cluster = new EtcdCluster(hosts, "test")) {
    try(MultiHostNetworkProvider provider = new MultiHostNetworkProvider(hosts,
            new Subnet("", 16),
            8472)) {
        // Do your own stuff