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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbstractActuator AbstractDevice AbstractSensor Abstract class for device Composition - one unit with multiple DataFeedsAbstractSimpleSensor Abstract class for Sensor - device with single DataFeed.ActiveDevice This interface provides possibility to simulate Device in time.ActiveDeviceImpl Actuator Actuator - "part of a machine or system that moves something or makes something work".ActuatorCoapController ActuatorResource Application Application can represent data generator or every container connected to topology.ApplicationRegistry BinaryActuator CalcRoute Calculated route.CalcRouteBuilder The type Calc route builder.CalculatedRouteList<t> The type Calculated route list with extended add method to avoid inserting Route to non-existing index.Chain IpTables chain.Cleaner Class designed for cleaning docker after job, means delete containers, networks and sometimes images.CoapController The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a specialized web transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes and constrained (e.g., low-power, lossy) networks.CoapDeviceControlServer All Devices should be handled by one CoapServer to be able to guarantee consistent Resource tree.CommandLineParser Parser using arg4jConditionalDisableExtension Extension implements the ExecutionCondition base class and enables test skip on failure of any dependent tests (by annotation)ConstantDataFeed Feed generates same predefined value on every request.Container The interface Container.Controller The Controller should be used to communicate with actual creator of environment.Data Class provides simple tool to store data in different data types.DataFeed Source of data for Device and TimeSimulation classes.DataFeedBean DataFeedResource DataObservable<E> DataWrapper Interface provides method for wrapping all important data in to properly documented format, design mainly for data transfer.DayTemperatureDataFeed DataFeed provides estimation of hourly temperature based on Maximum and Minimum temperature, that was measured in one day.Default Default Device class.Device Base interface describing concept for device.Device Interface extends EnvironmentPart.DeviceRegistry Implements registry of devices deployed within simulated environment Currently can only hold access to the plain references of generators but in the future will be used as accessor to all deployed devices within simulated environmentDHT11 This class represents temperature and humidity sensor as Device Composition.DisableByState Annotation represents test class that should be not started, when given test did fail.DockerAddCmd The type Add docker file part.DockerCmdCmd The type Cmd docker file part.DockerContainer Instance of DockerContainer representing informations which are required for work with container.DockerController Implementation of Controller interface for DockerDockerEntryCmd The type Entry docker file part.DockerEnvCmd The type Env docker file part.DockerExample The type Docker controller.DockerExecFormTranslate DockerFileBuilder The type Docker file builder.DockerFilePart The interface Docker file part.DockerFromCmd The type From docker file part.DockerImage Class represents DockerImage.DockerManager Class providing connection between Patriot api and java-docker api.DockerNetwork The type Docker network.DockerNetworkUtilities The type Docker network utilities.DockerRunCmd The type Run docker file part.DockerWorkCmd The type Work docker file part.EnvironmentPart ExpressionDataFeed Feed that uses Expression library to calculate data streems.FileUtils Class is providing utils for work with files and dirs.FilterRule The type Filter rule.Hygrometer Class should be used when creating Humidity sensor.Image The interface Image.IPTablesRestController The type Ip tables controller.JSONWrapper LinearActuator Implementation of Actuator which simulates linear movement like hydraulic press.LinearDataFeed Data stream values from this feed follows linear function.Main The type Main.Manager The interface Manager.Manager Manager is used for managing topology (deploying, destroying).MonitoringRestController Deprecated. MQTT Network NetworkAdapter Provides possibility to send data by network protocol to right destination.NetworkBuilder TopologyNetwork Builder provides functions for building network and adding it into topology.NetworkInterface Router' s network interface.NextHop Wrapper class for RouterImpl and network.NormalDistributionDataFeed DataFeed based on Normal Distribution from SSJ library.PatriotHub Entry interface to the Patriot Framework It contains all controlling APIs that are available to use The class implements singleton design pattern, which means there is always at most one PatriotHub within one JVM processPatriotSetupExtension Extended setup Extension with support of PatriotHub, which is injected by defaultPropertiesNotLoadedException Exception represents unrecoverable exception, which is thrown when io.patriot_framework.patriotRouter property is not set - it is necessary for usage of PatriotHubRegistryResultListener Class is used to monitor test results in order to provide ConditionalDisableExtensionRest RestController The type RestController provides Http request execution.RotaryActuator Route Used for represent route record in routing tables.Router RouterBuilder The type RouterImpl builder.RouteRestController RestController for ip tables api.RouterImpl RouterImpl class represents docker container built as router with network-control apis.Seed SSJ uses RandomStreams to generate uniform variates (real numbers) over the interval (0,1).Sensor Interface enables multiple DataFeeds, but preserves single identification parameters for Device.SensorCoapController SensorResource SetupExtension Abstract class represents base for extension to JUnit which allows configuration and Test environment setup before the Test Run is started.SimpleSensor Briefly modifies behaviour of Sensor.State State nodes for StateMachine.StateMachine This class handles transitions between states to simulate real usage of actuators.StopTestExecution Annotation represents test class, that ultimately stops test execution on any failure in its testing methods.TestBreakExtension Extension to allow break of testing whenever classTestResultState Enum represents possible states of Test ClassThermometer Class should be used when creating Thermometer sensor.Topology Wrapper representing full network topology.TopologyBuilder The type Topology builder.TopologyNetwork TopologyNetwork class representing docker network with additional informations like calculated routes to other networks.Unit Methods used for identification of Devices.XMLWrapper